Education Alliance


Scientific Research Bibliography

The scientific papers noted below are a sampling of research documents based on Ossabaw Island. The bibliography is listed in alphabetical order by primary author. Select a letter below to jump to that section.

Alexander, C. R., and Robinson, M. (2004). A semi-annotated bibliography on barrier island studies applicable to Georgia back-barrier islands. Manuscript on file, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, Savannah.


Blanck, C. E., & Sawyer, R. H. (1981). Hatchery practices in relation to early embryology of the loggerhead sea turtle, caretta caretta (linne). J.Exp.Mar.Biol.Ecol., 49(2-3), 163-177, Retrieved August 22, 2007, from ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts datazbase.


Blanton, J. O., Chandlers, W. S., & Georgia Univ., Savannah, GA (USA). Skidaway Inst. of Oceanography. (1978). Data on nearshore frontal zones separating river effluents from continental shelf waters off the coast of georgia (Q2 02144 Regional studies, expeditions and data reports GU, Savannah, GA (USA). August 22, 2007, from ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts database.


Brinson, F., Hagan, D., Comer, J., & Strohlein, D. (1992, March). Seasonal abundance of Lutzomyia shannoni (Diptera: Psychodidae) on Ossabaw Island, Gerogia. Journal of medical entomology, 29(2), 178-182. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Bursey CR, Richardson KE, Richardson DJ (2006) First North American Records of Kathlania leptura and Tonaudia tonaudia (Nematoda: Kathlanidae), Parasites of Marine Turtles. Comparative Parasitology: Vol. 73, No. 1 pp. 134–135. Retrieved August 22, 2007 from BioOne database.


Comer, J. (1993, January). Failure to isolate viruses of the genus Phlebovirus from Lutzomyia shannoni sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) from Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Journal of entomological science, 28(1), 25-28. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Comer, J. A., Stallknecht, D. E., Corn, J. L., & Nettles, V. F. (1991). Lutzomyia shannoni (Diptera: Psychodidae): a biological vector of the New Jersey serotype of vesicular stomatitis virus on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Parassitologia. 33, 151-158. Retrieved August 22, 2007 from Article First database.


Comer, J., & Brown, J. (1993, June). Use of hollow trees as diurnal resting shelter by Lutzomyia shannoni (Diptera: Psychodidae) on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Environmental entomology, 22(3), 613-617. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Comer, J., & Corn, J. (1991, March).  Funnel trap for the capture of phlebotomine sand flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) from tree holes. Journal of medical entomology, 28(2), 289-292. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Comer, J., Corn, J., Stallknecht, D., Landgraf, J., & Nettles, V. (1992, March). Titers of vesicular stomatitis virus, New Jersey serotype, in naturally infected male and female Lutzomyia shannoni (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Georgia. Journal of medical entomology, Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Comer, J., Irby, W., & Kavanaugh, D. (1994, October). Hosts of Lutzomyia shannoni (Diptera: Psychodidae) in relation to vesicular stomatitis virus on Ossabaw Island, Georgia, U.S.A. Medical and veterinary entomology, 8(4), 325-330. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Comer, J., Kavanaugh, D., Stallknecht, D., & Corn, J. (1994, November). Population dynamics of Lutzomyia shannoni (Diptera: Psychodidae) in relation to the epizootiology of vesicular stomatitis virus on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Journal of medical entomology, 31(6), 850-854. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Comer, J., Kavanaugh, D., Stallknecht, D., Ware, G., Corn, J., & Nettles, V. (1993, May). Effect of forest type on the distribution of Lutzomyia shannoni (Diptera: Psychodidae) and vesicular stomatitis virus on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Journal of medical entomology, 30(3), 555-560. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Cooke, C. W. (1943). Geology of the coastal plain of Georgia. Washington, DC: US Geological survey, Bulletin 941.


Corn, J. L. et al. (2004). Persistence of pseudorables virus in feral swine populations. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 40, pp. 307-310.


Corn, J. L., Comer, J. A., Erickson, G. A., & Nettles, V. F. (1990). Isolation of vesicular stomatitis virus new jersey serotype from phlebotomine sand flies in georgia. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 42(5), 476-482. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Entomology Abstracts database.


Cornish, T. E. et al. (2001). “Pathogenesis of experimental vesicular stomatitis virus (New jersey serotype) infection in the deer mouse (Peromyscus maniculatus). Vet Pathol, 38, pp. 396-406.

DePratter, C. B., and Howard, J.D. (1977). Origin and chapter of washover fans on the Georgia coast, USA. Transactions, Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, 27, pp. 252-258.


Doerjes, J., Frey, R. W., & Howard, J. D. (1986). Origins of, and mechanisms for, mollusk shell accumulations on Georgia beaches. Senckenbergiana maritima.Frankfurt/Main, 18(1-2), 1-43. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts database.


Dubey, J., Rollor, E., Smith, K., Kwok, O., & Thulliez, P. (1997, October). Low seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in feral pigs from a remote island lacking cats. Journal of parasitology, 83(5), 839-841. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Dunstan, W. M., McIntire, G. L., & Windom, H. L. (1975). Spartina revegetation on dredge spoil in SE marshes. J.Waterways Harbours Coast.Eng.Div.Am.Assoc.Civ.Eng, 101(3), 269-276. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts database.

Elvinger, F., Baldwin, C., Liggett, A., Tang, K., & Stallknecht, D. (1996, October). Prevalence of exposure to eastern equine encephalomyelitis virus in domestic and feral swine in Georgia. Journal of veterinary diagnostic investigation : official publication of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians, Inc, 8(4), 481-484. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Fincher, G. (1979, October). Dung beetles of Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Georgia Entomological Society. Journal, 14(4), 330-334. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Fincher, G. T. (1979). Dung Beetles of Ossabaw island, Georgia. Journal of the Georgia Entomological Society, 14(4), pp. 329-334.


Fletcher, W. O. (1994). Tree nesting by wild turkeys on Ossabaw island, Georgia. The Wilson Bulletin, 106, pp. 562-563.


Fletcher, W. O., & Parker, W. A. (1994). Tree nesting by wild turkeys on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. The Wilson Bulletin. 106(3), 562. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Article First database.


Fletcher, W. O., Stallknecht, D. E., Kearney, M. T., & Eernisse, K. A. (1991). Antibodies to vesicular stomatitis new jersey type virus in white-tailed deer on Ossabaw Island, Georgia, 1985 to 1989. Journal of wildlife diseases, 27(4), 675-680. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Virology and AIDS Abstracts database.


Fletcher, W., Creekmore, T., Smith, M., & Nettles, V. (1990, October). A field trial to determine the feasibility of delivering oral vaccines to wild swine. Journal of wildlife diseases, 26(4), 502-510. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Fletcher, W., Stallknecht, D., & Jenney, E. (1985, April). Serologic surveillance for vesicular stomatitis virus on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Journal of wildlife diseases, 21(2), 100-104. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.

Georgia Geological Survey. (1976). Geologic map of Georgia. Geology and Water Resources Division. Atlanta: Department of Natural Resources.


Gibbs et al. (2006). Factors affecting the geographic distribution of west nile virus in Georgia, USA: 2002-2004. Vector-Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 6, pp. 73-82.


Greer, S. A. (1975). Sandbody geometry and sedimentary facies at the estuary-marine transition zone, Ossabaw sound, Georgia; a stratigraphic model. Senckenbergiana Maritima, 7, 105-135. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from GeoRef database.

Hagen, D., Shuey, C., & Watkins, J. (1984, March). Restriction of uterine space reduces litter size in feral Ossabaw swine. Biology of reproduction, 30(2), 423-426. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.


Hails, J. R., and Hoyt, J. H. (1969). An appraisal of the evolution of the lower Atlantic coastal plain of Georgia, USA. Transactions, Institute of British Geographers, 46, pp. 53-68.


Hayes, L. E., Langheinrich, K. A., & Witter, R. L. (1992). Reticuloendotheliosis in a wild turkey (meleagris gallopavo ) from coastal Georgia. Journal of wildlife diseases, 28(1), 154-158. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Virology and AIDS Abstracts database.


Hayes, M.O. (1994). The Georgia bight barrier system. In Geology of Holocene barrier island systems, edited by R.A. Davis, Jr. p. 203-304. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.


Henry, V. J., Giles, R. T. and Jr. R. Woolsey. (1973). Geology of the Chatham county area, Georgia. In The Neogene of the Georgia Coast., edited by R. W. Frey, 67-80. Athens: Georgia Geological Society.


Hoyt, J. H., (1967). Barrier-island formation. Geological Society of American Bulliten, 78, 1125-1136.


Hoyt, J.H. and Hails, J.R. (1974). Pleistocene stratigraphy of southeastern Georgia. In Post-miocene stratigraphy- central and southern atlantic coastal plain. Edited by R.Q. Oaks and J.R. Dubar, p. 191-205. Utah State University Press, Logan.

Johnson, A. S., Hillestad, H. O., Fanning, S. A., & Shanholtzer, G. F. (1971). The open marine and estuarine waters. The Value and Vulnerability of Coastal Resources Georgia Department of Natural Resources Report No.GADNR/OPR-75/1, A Report to the National Park Service, 299 ref. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Water Resources Abstracts database.

LaGory, K. E. (1984). Ecological and behavioral correlates of deer sociality: A study of Ossabaw island white-tailed deer.


LaGory, K. E. (1987). The influence of habitat and group characteristics on the alarm and flight response of white-tailed deer. Animal Behaviour, 35(1), 20-25. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Animal Behavior Abstracts database.


LaGory, K. E., Bagshaw, C.,III, & Brisbin, I. L.,Jr. (1991). Niche differences between male and female white-tailed deer on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 29(1-4), 205-214. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Animal Behavior Abstracts database.


Lu, W. (1997, March). Notes on identification and ecology of tumbling flower beetles (Mordellidae) from Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Florida entomologist, 80(1), 95-98. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.

Mead DG, Gray EW, Noblet R, Murphy MD, Howerth EW, et al. (2004). Biological transmission of vesicular stomatitis virus (New Jersey Serotype) by Simulium vittatum (Diptera: Simuliidae) to domestic swine (Sus scrofa). Journal of Medical Entomology: Vol. 41, No. 1 pp. 78–82. Retrieved August 22, 2007 from BioOne database.


Moehlman, P. D. (1998). Behavioral patterns and communication in feral asses (equus africanus). Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 60(2-3), 125-169. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Animal Behavior Abstracts database.


Moehlman, P. D. (1998). Feral asses (equus africanus): Intraspecific variation in social organization in arid and mesic habitats. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 60(2-3), 171-195. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Animal Behavior Abstracts database.


Music, J. L., Jr., & Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Brunswick (USA). Coastal Resources Program. (1978). Assessment of Georgia’s shrimp and crab resources (Q1 01604 Stock assessment and management; Q1 01281 GDNR, Brunswick, GA (USA). August 22, 2007, from ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts database.

Nettles, V. (1988). Vesicular stomatitis on Ossabaw Island. Foreign animal disease report – U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Veterinary Services, Emergency Programs, Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.

Pearson, C. E. (1977). Analysis of late prehistoric settlement on Ossabaw Island, Georgia, Laboratory of Archaeology Series no. 12. Athens, University of Georgia.


Pearson, C. E. (1978). Analysis of late Mississippian settlements on Ossabaw island Georgia. In Mississippian Settlement Pattern, edited by B. D. Smith, 53-80. New York: Academic Press.


Pearson, C. E. (1984). Late prehistoric settlement systems on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. In J. D. Howard, C. B. Depratter & R. W. Frey (Eds.), Excursions in southeastern geology; the archaeology-geology of the Georgia coast. United States (USA): Geol. Soc. Am., Boulder, CO, United States (USA). Retrieved August 22, 2007, from GeoRef database.


Pearson, C. E. and Howard, J.D., DePratter D.B., and Frey R.W. (Eds.) (1980). Late prehistoric settlement systems on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. In Excursions in southeastern archaeology-geology of the Georgia coast, pp. 179-201.


Pearson, C.E. (1979). Patterns of Mississippian Period adaptation in coastal Georgia. Doctoral Dissertation, University of Georgia, Athens.


Pung OJ, Grinstead CB, Vives SP (2006). Variation in the geographic and temporal distribution of Microphallus turgidus (Trematoda: Microphallidae) in grass shrimp (Palaemonetes spp.) on tidal rivers in southeast Georgia, U.S.A. Comparative Parasitology: Vol. 73, No. 2 pp. 172–178. Retrieved August 22, 2007 from BioOne database.

Richardson DJ, Barger MA (2005). Microhabitat Specificity of Macracanthorhynchus ingens (Acanthocephala: Oligacanthorhynchidae) in the Raccoon (Procyon lotor). Comparative Parasitology: Vol. 72, No. 2 pp. 173–178. Retrieved August 22, 2007 from BioOne database.


Richardson, D. J., & Barger, M. A. (2005). Microhabitat specificity of macracanthorhynchus ingens (acanthocephala: Oligacanthorhynchidae) in the raccoon (procyon lotor). Comparative Parasitology, 72(2), 173-178. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Ecology Abstracts database.


Rogers, S. G., Targett, T. E., & Sant, S. B. V. (1984). Fish-nursery use in Georgia salt-marsh estuaries: The influence of springtime freshwater conditions. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society Vol.113, September, 40 Ref. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Water Resources Abstracts database.

Schmitter, R. D., & Freeman-Lynde, R. P. (1988). Hornblende content of Georgia-South Carolina, U.S.A., nearshore sands: Support for shoreward sediment transport in the nearshore zone. Sedimentary Geology, 57(3-4), 153-169. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts database.


Schmitter, R., & Georgia Univ., Athens (USA). (1986). Sediment transport characteristics of the nearshore zone between Hilton head and Ossabaw Islands, Georgia as determined by heavy mineral analysis. (Thesis. NTIS Order No.: DE87004385/GAR.) Retrieved August 22, 2007, from ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts database.


Shen, W., Sturek, M., & Liechty, E. (2007, April). Molecular mechanisms for insulin resistance in Ossabaw miniature swine. FASEB Journal, 21(6), A1053-A1053. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Academic Search Premier database.


Stallknech, D. E. (2000). VSV-NJ on Ossabaw Island, Georgia: the truth is out there. Annals New York Academy of Sciences, pp. 431-436.


Stallknecht, D. E. (1999). PRV in feral swine on Ossabaw Island Georgia: Options for control or eradication. Proceedings of the Feral Swine Symposium, pp. 69-72.


Stallknecht, D. E. (2001). Contact transmission of vesicular stomatitis virus New Jersey in pigs. AJVR, 26(4), pp. 516-520.


Stallknecht, D., Kavanaugh, D., Corn, J., Eernisse, K., Comer, J., & Nettles, V. (1993, July). Feral swine as a potential amplifying host for vesicular stomatitis virus New Jersey serotype on Ossabaw Island, Georgia. Journal of wildlife diseases, 29(3), 377-383. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Agricola database.

Targett, T. E. (1984). A breeding population of gulf pipefish (syngnathus scovelli ) in a Georgia estuary, with discussion on the ecology of the species. Contributions in Marine Science, 27, 169-174. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts database.

Wenner, E. L., Knott, D. M., Barans, C. A., Wilde, S., Blanton, J. O., & Amft, J. (2005). Key factors influencing transport of white shrimp (litopenaeus setiferus) post-larvae into the Ossabaw sound system, Georgia, USA. Fisheries Oceanography, 14(3), 175-194. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from ASFA: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts database.


Winter, D. (1985). Misdirected monarch mating behavior (danaidae: Danaus plexippus ) or noblesse oblige? Journal of the Lepidopterists Society, 39(4), 334. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from Animal Behavior Abstracts database.

Yabsley, M. J. (2003). Evaluation of a prototype ehrlichia chaffeensis surveillance system using white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus) as natural sentinels. Vector Borne and Zoonotic Diseases, 3(4), pp. 195-207.


Yabsley, M. J. et al. (2003). Molecular variation in the variable-length PCR target and 120-kilodalton antigen genes of Ehrlichia chaffeensis from white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Journal of Clinical Microbiology, 41(11), pp. 5202-5206.

Zeigler, J. M. (1959). Origin of the sea islands of the southeastern united states. Geographical Review, 49(2), 222-237. Retrieved August 22, 2007, from GeoRef database.