Saturday, October 19, 2019
Tickets on Sale September 1. $195 each.
Funds raised at our annual Ossabaw Island Pig Roast & Art Auction, our only fundraiser, are used to coordinate, promote and manage exceptional educational, cultural and scientific programs on Ossabaw Island. General public tickets go on sale September 1.
Sponsorships are available NOW!
2 Tickets + benefits outlined below
4 Tickets + benefits outlined below
6 Tickets + benefits outlined below
8 Tickets + benefits outlined below
10 Tickets + benefits outlined below
Publicity Restrictions are as follows:
2018 Pig Roast & Art Auction Sponsors
Jenny Lynn & Waldo Bradley, Patricia & Todd Deveau, King & Spalding LLP, Rose Lane & Chuck Leavell, Queensborough National Bank & Trust Company, Sea Island
Tiffany & Blake Alewine, Clark & Debbie Alexander, Patricia Barmeyer & Ward Wight, Dock Supply & Construction, Leigh & Bobby Goff, John & Melanie Helmken, Cecil & Sandra Hudson, John & Megan Manly, Mermaid Cottages, Paul & Jane Pressly, Southern Environmental Law Center, Sterling Seacrest Partners, Inc., Bart & Christiana Turner, Kathy & Scott Warden
Designed by Longwater & Company
Printed by Spanish Moss Printing
Photography by Stacey Wells